Wednesday, June 27, 2007

incendiary events

ahh, detroit. detroit on fireworks night, when kids get to stay up waaaaay past their bedtimes, lighting incendiary devices on the city sidewalks. in our case, we watched the very large annual fireworks display from the sidewalk of michigan avenue, in front of our friend cathy's place. here's the view:

and here's sacha, looking mighty pleased at the idea of his parents letting him play with fire...

of course, the kids found a better vantage point:

but the big fireworks display only inspired them to do more of their own pyromaniac activities (assisted by marc).

oh, and we did some house renos today too. including having a new hot water heater installed and finishing with the floor sander. and a whole lotta little things, like oh, cleaning out the crap from the back porch, and putting knobs on the kitchen cabinets, and that kind of thing. it's coming along. will it get done? we're starting to race against the clock... marc returns to victoria in 10 days. can we do it?

it's starting to feel more and more like a reality show around here...
stay tuned!

1 comment:

Tinkerteam said...

Looks like such fun! We're waiting for our own fireworks day in the coming week.

Meanwhile, I'm missing my blog fix! Jonesing for a new post! How are those cabinets? Did the tooth fairy come to Detroit? How is the countdown?

Thinking of you...