Wednesday, July 4, 2007

it gets weirder

freakout of the week---
we found this in the laundry room.

of course, no renovation is complete without one, right? no clue how long this guy had been there. he could've been there since before we moved in, in 1998. he could've been one of ours who went missing. or he could've been one of the ones who lived here with marc's mom. no idea. but anyway, he was given a decent burial by sacha and billy, who happily dug a hole in the back garden...

meanwhile, magritte and molly were dancing to their own drummer (presumably the sound of marc pounding nails into the back porch roof over the laundry room)...

the result was this, though:

that'd be the insulation/vapor barrier stuff that goes beneath the roofing stuff. marc says that in the process, he's learned what it feels like to be cooked in a solar oven.

but the kids have learned more alternative foodstuffs. like this...

yup. gummy candy that glows in the dark. ain't that america. happy 4th of july, everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is just so wrong. Glow in the dark gummy candy I mean. Wanna come over and do our kitchen?