Tuesday, June 19, 2007

bad windowsill. no cookie.

bad windowsill. bad, bad windowsill.

not only is it water-damaged, but it's cracking due to neglect. how can a window like this be expected to keep the cold/heat out or in, depending on time of year? or vice versa...

said windowsill is all better now. after a lot of air sealing, spackling, primer and paint, it's good as new. well, not really, given that this house is 107 years old, but it's pretty darn good. of course, there's still the question of having to wash the darn windows, too, but we'll get there...

today's progress included:

fitting the underlay boards for the kitchen tiles

fun with expando-foam (more air sealing thrills!)

a 25-lb bag of levelling cement (to put on the floor before we actually affix the underlay boards

a whole lotta money spent at ikea to acquire cabinets, sinks, appliances and such

(no photo for reasons of homeland security)

swedish meatballs.


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