Sunday, June 24, 2007

tenant intentions...

the floor is done!!

now that we've got a kitchen floor, plus a new fridge, and a new dishwasher, plus a whole lot of kitchen cabinets and counters and such all ready and waiting to be installed, we're starting to realize we've got to install tenants pretty soon, too. we've posted an ad on craigslist, and will place one in the metro times tomorrow for this week's edition.

of course, if we could believe all the folks who say they want to rent the place, or say they know someone who wants to, or say they'll pass the word around, well, we could have dozens of tenants.
now, of course, there's the question of will they turn up, let alone pay the rent once they're here?

let's see. for possible tenants so far, we've got:

--the older guy the woman next door knows.
--a buddy of one of the cuban crew who helped with the early stages of cleanup/tear-out
--a buddy of another one of the crew
--one of the crew and his dog
--the guy who delivered the kitchen stuff from ikea today (hey, he says, at least he knows it's going to be nice)
--a buddy of the aforementioned guy
--a guy who the crazy lady down the street recommends. he's out of work now, but he used to specialize in off-licence pharmaceutical delivery and occasional informal insurance policies. and rodrigo down at the corner can give him a good reference. um, yeah.

accomplishments of the day:

--cleaned up the last of the grout bits from the kitchen tiles
--sorted out all the various components of eight different ikea cabinets
--assembled one cabinet
--buttered more floorboards with wood filler
--sanded more floors to the next stage
--cleaned the upstairs bathroom
--constructed a giant cardboard target for sacha to use with his slingshot
--fed the children lunch before 4 pm.

oh, and what have the kids been up to? good question. they've been amusing themselves quite well.
magritte's been drawing a lot:

and they've been making up all sorts of games and things, with the occasional breaks to go outside and fly gliders, kick a soccer ball around, fire slingshot ammo at the house, or make friends with the neighbour kids. but mostly, they seem to like spending time in their lair:

1 comment:

Tinkerteam said...

Wow! It is looking great! You are amazing! And thanks for the updates on the kids.

Oh, and those cherries...there's nothing like midwest cherries. Mmmmm....