Monday, June 25, 2007

be-floor and after

while sacha's busy practicing to become the fastest cherry-pitter in the midwest...

the rest of us are hard at work on more renos (now there's a surprise...).

marc worked on making the floor look shiny (it's got a few more coats of stuff to go, and then there's the other room that hasn't even been started yet). but it's coming along!

meanwhile, i donned dustmask and eye protection once more to go into battle with ikea cabinets.

no, it isn't so very dangerous assembling cabinets with an allen key and a pair of pliers. it's just that the sander in the next room kicks up a whole lot of dust, and in order to co-exist with it, well, i need to swelter under an itchy hot dustmask and a pair of ever-fogging, sweat-inducing goggles. did i mention it was 33 degrees here today?

but at least there were a few breaks.
first was the screech of tires, followed by two gunshots, followed by another screech of tires. we hit the (newly sanded) deck and then when it seemed all clear, checked in with all the neighbours who were also wondering what the heck it was. one bullet hit the brick of the corner house, which the neighbour living there said sounded like chunks of drywall falling in. someone said they saw a guy running like mad up the block, wearing a white t-shirt and a blue towel. hmmm. anyway, nothing like a little excitement like that to remind us we're back in detroit after all.

and second was a lovely dinner with our friends ken and kim, and their five kids. the gaggle of kids had a blast bouncing around on too much sugar, and the grownups had a great time bouncing around on questions of ethics and government (ken has a certain high mucky muck job in politics, so it got pretty amusing. he may be the last ethical politician left...).

and third was a late-night drive through downtown detroit, which has a few things different from last time we were here, like, oh, lights. and stores. and people out after 11.
incredible but true. could this actually be a real city, after all?
stay tuned...

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