Sunday, June 17, 2007

plumb tired

water. water, everywhere, and all of it collecting in a giant puddle of mud in the crawlspace. at some point in the past two years, the copper pipes froze and cracked. and the leaks go on.

so marc decides to try and fix it. a generally good idea, given that we've been getting water bills here that are outrageously high for a house that nobody actually lives in...

of course, the fixing doesn't go well at first. apart from his heroic crawling around in the muddy, dark, spider-filled crawlspace, the leaks are worse than a simple fix could take care of. time for a plumber.

but this is detroit. you don't do the normal thing and look in the yellow pages for a plumber who'll drop by that afternoon. noooo, you ask the guy next door, who's got a buddy who works for the water company who does plumbing on the side. and you call "bill" and he says he'll come sometime between 6 and 8 am next friday. uh-huh. so you're not really surprised when he doesn't show up until noon, and looks under the house and says he'll take care of it.

and then, several days later, it's still not fixed. a week later, same story.

so marc's back with the spiders in the crawlspace again. four hardware store trips later, plus a search for matches to light the acetylene torch, plus many loud words i'm not going to repeat here, and it seems the leaks have finally been staunched.

a plumber could still be in our future.

we'll check the yellow pages.

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