Saturday, June 16, 2007

wabash and other adventures!

the address: 2215 wabash.
the city: detroit.
the challenge: to renovate an entire 2-bedroom suite in less than a month

the players: alisa, marc, sacha and magritte
the challenges: water supply being fixed by city and non-functional for several days. house in advanced state of disrepair. yard overgrown. city services such as phone virtually nonexistent.

today: saturday, june 16

work to date:

de-mold the walls (a vacuum cleaner worked!)--fortunately for us, the mold was all on the surface and hadn't penetrated the very good paint barrier. let's hear it for mold-resistant primer.

rip out kitchen. including gross lino, non-working dishwasher, old sink and stove.

rip out bathroom, including tub surround and fixtures.

clearcut weeds in backyard.

prime walls

paint walls

strip peeling paint

sand places where needed

the assistants to the project: hugo, luis, montoya, sanchez, rodrigo, james

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